I was just recently telling a friend about the pagan origins of Santa Claus , a figure that is most likely based on the pagan God Hold Nickar.
In the above linked to article to it is all explained very excellently. If our modern concept of Santa Claus is derived from ancient shamanic practices it suddenly all makes sense:
The reindeer, the red and white outfit, the ruddy cheeks.
For these shamans used psychodelic mushrooms for their rituals. These mushrooms were eaten by the reindeer and the shamans would then drink the animal's urine, because in the process of digesting the psychedelic effects become stronger and the side effects less pronounced. One of the side effects would be the facial redness Santa seems to chronically suffer from.
There is a show at Hamburger Bahnhof now, where Christian Höller is exploring the theme of Soma, the drink that supposedly was derived from mushrooms by Vedic Nomads 4000 years ago.
For 1000 Euros you can spend a night at the Museum, with the reindeers and the giant mushrooms. And every week they give away one night for free.