Corona Corona Corona

Unfortunately my soon to be released second album is called EDGE rather than corona. A missed chance to go viral along with the virus. This pandemic is touching every part of life. From Monday they will close daycare facilities which is what I was most afraid of. Hopefully we can arrange an alternative system, or else me and my son will kill each other long before CoVid-19 does.
My son just turned 4, but he knows what the corona virus is and what it looks like, because I made an explanatory breakfast. He quite enjoyed it.

The mood in Berlin is strange, the streets seem unusually empty and most of my gigs have been cancelled. Which doesn’t really matter, because I can’t work anyway if daycare is closed. It reminds me of two things. For one, I seem to remember that there were droughts, floods, locusts and disease mentioned quite a bit in the Old Testament. I’ll re-read that to check what they did to stop it.

It also reminds me of 9-11. I was in NY then and lived just above the evacuation line. Only a few people were left in the Zone and it was strange to see how many tourists there must have been.
What takes me back now is how uncertain things were, no one knew if this was it, if more attacks were coming, what it meant. Air washers/ air cleaners and gas masks were being sold at horrendous prices in shops downtown that used to carry mobile phones and vitamins. What was so stressful was the uncertainty rather than the lack of the World Trade Center. 
There was also the financial uncertainty. As usual I was working freelance and my main source of income was to teach animation and photoshop at a place below Canal Street, which of course remained closed and no one knew if or when it would re-open. If I remember correctly they did give residents a few weeks worth of assistance and Medicaid, which was nice but more like a drop in the bucket. 
I actually thought the whole thing didn’t effect me much, but in January of 2002 I ended up seeing a doctor because my hair was falling out like crazy.
He said it was probably a sign of stress and that hair took about 3 months to react to anything. Had there been a stressful event 3 months ago?
I said no, but on my way out I realized that the timing matched the World Trade Center attacks.
The lesson I learned is that your hair knows more about you than you do and that it’s best not to get stressed out, Kita closed or not.