Dating phenomena and the wisdom of Bojack Horseman

Surprise: This post is not exactly about art, but about a cultural phenomenon. I don't read women's magazines or celebrity news, so the fact that this piece of news even reached me signals its significance.  I'm talking about Alexandra Grant and Keanu Reeves. There is so much applause for Mr Reeves for dating someone only 9 years younger than himself. As opposed to the general 30 years younger. It was mentioned in the NY Times (which is where I read about it).

The fact that this is causing such an uproar on the internet and beyond is confusing, because it feels like we should have moved beyond these stereotypes. Apparently we haven’t.

Luckily a scene on Bojack Hoseman shed some light on this. Mr Peanutbutter realizes that all of his exwives were lots of fun when he married them and then after a few years grew difficult and unhappy. When he tells Diane that he thinks he ruins women, she explains to him that the thing these women have in common is that they are young when he falls in love with them and that they then grow up, whereas he doesn’t. So they basically just outgrow him.

There is lots of wisdom in this show.